



Dear Mr. Wu,


I am sorry that I write in English instead of Chinese because it is much easier for me.




I have finished the first 60 hours course (finally!!!), after more than 3 months since receiving the course materials. I have to apologize for my slow progress due to my extremely busy schedule and heavy workload in the past few months. However, I did enjoy the learning process so much and know what is real ‘Japanese’ after only 60 hours of study!



In fact, I was quite frustrated before because I have been studying Japanese for more than 3 years but still could not understand Japanese quite well (e.g. reading short Japanese articles), not to say writing any letter or assay. I tried many ways to learn: going to Japanese school, having private lessons with Japanese teacher and self-learning. However, they more I learnt, the more I was confused. Hard memory could only be short-term and the knowledge I gained in one lesson could not be generally applied to other situations.學友欲看完整日文,請由此鏈結。



I was trained as a biomedical scientists and I use to think in a logical way and like to learn new things by knowing the ‘ principle ’. I always believe that only when I understand the principle, I can really get the knowledge, make it become part of my own knowledge, and apply it in different ways. Your method of teaching and the accurate analysis of Japanese sentence structure are actually very logical and systematic. 學友欲看完整日文,請由此鏈結。


Though with my slow progress, I am so glad that I can now understand most of the content in a Japanese article with just a dictionary. Sometimes I try to ready Japanese webpage in the internet and amazingly, I understand much more than before. Also surprisingly, sometimes I can hear what people say in Japanese drama shown in TV. It didn’t happen before!!


Recently, I have started to learn the conversation course and started some hours in learning Japanese Words as well. I am so impressed by the beautiful use of polite-form in Japanese.

Thank you so much. Though my mother tongue is not Mandarin (I speak Cantonese and English), I can feel the sincere attitude from your voice. Thank you also for your willingness to share your rich knowledge and deep understanding of Japanese literature and culture. The special but useful way of analysis does help tremendously. I will squeeze more time to learn and hope that I can let myself immerse in the course in the coming Chinese New Year Holiday.



Thank you so much again and best regards,

Dear Mr. Ng,(這應該是廣東話吳的發音吧!)

I am sorry that I write in English instead of Chinese because it is much easier for me.
(不用介意,任何國際通用之語言都歡迎。亦要請恕敝人以漢文回覆,也是much easier for me。吳氏日文學友多為國際精英,能有以英文分享心得之國際學友,更可認知,現代精英至少就是要精通中、日、英!)

I have finished the first 60 hours course (finally!!!), after more than 3 months since receiving the course materials. I have to apologize for my slow progress due to my extremely busy schedule and heavy workload in the past few months. However, I did enjoy the learning process so much and know what is real ‘Japanese’ after only 60 hours of study!

In fact, I was quite frustrated before because I have been studying Japanese for more than 3 years but still could not understand Japanese quite well (e.g. reading short Japanese articles), not to say writing any letter or assay. I tried many ways to learn: going to Japanese school, having private lessons with Japane! se teacher and self-learning. However, they more I learnt, the more I was confused. Hard memory could only be short-term and the knowledge I gained in one lesson could not be generally applied to other situations.


I was trained as a biomedical scientists and I use to think in a logical way and like to learn new things by knowing the ‘principle’. I always believe that only when I understand the principle, I can really get the knowledge, make it become part of my own knowledge, and apply it in different ways. Your method of teaching and the accurate analysis of Japanese sentence structure are actually very logical and systematic. (謝謝肯定這一套教育工學的邏輯與系統性。誠如所言,了解原理,理出其中邏輯,再加以系統化,自然就容易學成。)


Though with my slow progress, I am so glad that I can now understand most of the content in a Japanese article with just a dictionary. Sometimes I try to ready Japanese webpage in the internet and amazingly, I understand much more than before. Also surprisingly, sometimes I can hear what people say in Japanese drama shown in TV. It didn’t happen before!!


Recently, I have started to learn the conversation course and started some hours in learning Japanese Words as well. I am so impressed by the beautiful use of polite-form in Japanese. (對不起,方才沒有看到這一段。有選修就對了!錯過可惜。因為甚少有日語講師,有機會進入日本之銀行等國際企業實戰後,還辭退銀行等職務,出來當教書匠的。上完之後,一定會如同下列學友之感想,加油!

常見   如何! 記憶單字?何時開始記憶單字?
2008-0201   見識到日本人內斂,多禮的社交世界
2008-0123   再也不需套招~而是確確實實的理解......
2007-0829   查1次,聽2次,就可聽懂90%...
2007-0824   享受日本人的說話藝術!
2007-0810   日前拜訪保證人,對答如流,連自己也嚇了一跳!
2007-0724   聽力的進步水到渠成,令人嘆為觀止!(社研所)
常見   兩位剛好都有上「會話課程」學友的心得分享!
2007-0530   上完會話課程及字彙倍增中文講解版之心得
Thank you so much. Though my mother tongue is not Mandarin (I speak Cantonese and English), I can feel the sincere attitude from your voice. Thank you also for your willingness to share your rich knowledge and deep understanding of Japanese literature and culture. The special but useful way of analysis does help tremendously. I will squeeze more time to learn and hope that I can let myself immerse in the course in the coming Chinese New Year Holiday.

如何解決日檢一級聽力?如何順利進階100%全日語上課的「字彙倍增( 或字彙高手 )」課程?


Thank you so much again and best regards,








2008-0121   吳氏日文實在太神奇了!超級感謝!(澳洲學友)
2008-0118   當初母親非常反對,現在全力支持!
2008-0115   老實說,參加之前很納悶真的可以這麼快學會嗎?
2008-0113   為何未更早加入吳氏日文的行列?
2008-0109   同樣受用無窮的寶貴經驗!(紐西蘭學友)
2008-0106   過去只知背句型,現在則有解析能力
2008-0103   在同學來看有如天書,我只是瞄一下,就...
2007-1119   有如神助,實在太值得了!
2007-1105   母女同心,都是吳氏日文學友
2007-1026   進步大,同僚紛紛問:是在哪裡學的?
2007-1014   最對的選擇!
2007-1012   24小時內看懂8成以上,我先生覺得不可思議!